Credit-card debt isn't all bad. A little can get you out of a tight financial jam -- but a lot can lead to its own money emergency.
How can you tell if your debt load is nearing a critical level? Look for these symptoms:
1.You're unable to make the minimum payments on your credit cards
2.You borrow from one card to pay another
3.You're frequently charged fees for late payments or going over your credit limit
4.You use plastic out of necessity rather than convenience
5.You forgo contributions to savings and retirement plans because of your debt
6.You devote more than 20% of your take-home pay to making payments on credit cards and loans other than your mortgage.visit:-http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/103652/Don%27t-Let-Debt-Get-You-Down;_ylt=AsUTBBilGUZK8mY5cfpr2HNfrdIF